Reducing anxiety in our schools

  • Projection and containment, extreme emotions, practical strategies
  • Links with formative assessment and the curriculum
  • Case study head’s strategies for containment

Understanding the emotions and powerful practical strategies for all primary class teachers, SENDCOs and school leaders.

Please be advised that this course includes sections on extreme mental health issues, their origins and their manifestations. These include references to self-harm, childhood abuse and trauma.

Presented by

Children can’t access the curriculum and learn when they experience anxiety. Mental health issues have exploded and escalated, with even primary children self-harming, school-refusing and suffering general anxiety. Shirley Clarke and Angela Evans have worked together to give understanding and practical solutions to all those involved in primary education.

This course provides:

  • In-depth understanding of the psychology behind the issues, with current evidence, statistics and guidance
  • Practical strategies for containment in class and for the whole school
  • Strategies for raising children’s self-efficacy
  • Across the curriculum specific opportunities to enable class discussions about difficult emotions and issues, including through excellent texts
  • A case study of an exemplary head teacher’s strategies for creating a whole school culture of compassion and containment, while still having high expectations for learning. Video footage of her ‘day in the life’ interactions with children, parents and staff will inspire.
  • Reducing anxiety during lessons, by easing the cognitive load and providing clear structure

Useful summary and reflective handouts, a range of video clips and opportunities for discussion throughout.